Select Your Trade:
Midgard Tailoring and Armorcrafting |
Alchemy Calculator (all realms) |
Midgard Weaponcrafting and Fletching |
Door Repair Calculator (all realms) |
Albion Armorcrafting and Tailoring |
Salvage Calculator (all realms) |
Albion Weaponcrafting and Fletching |
Siege Calculator (all realms) |
Hibernia Armorcrafting and Tailoring |
Barding Calculator (all realms) |
Hibernia Weaponcrafting and Fletching |
Crafting Articles:
Une Traduction Française du calculateur est disponible, elle a été faite par Annorexia
Change Log:
- (2009-09-18) Started development of new XML storage for Motogs with updated and corrected information
- (2007-01-21) Updated Hibernia Armor Calculator with Bespelled/Embroidered/Ornamented/Decorated armor recipes
- (2007-01-10) Updated Albion Armor Calculator with Sigil armor recipes
- (2007-01-10) Updated Midgard Armor Calculator with Sigil armor recipes
- (2006-07-18) Updated Alchemy xml file to reflect recipe flattening in patch 1.84
- (2006-04-14) Tweaked the look of listboxes
- (2006-04-14) Added Alchemy Calculator
- (2006-04-14) Added a feedback form
- (2005-10-10) Added Barding Calculator
- (2005-06-28) Updated Albion and Hibernia Armor Calculator with Catacombs Inconnu and Shar lvl 51 armor recipes
- (2005-06-27) Updated Midgard Armor Calculator with Catacombs Kobold lvl 51 armor recipes
- (2005-01-31) Added Legendary Weapon pictures to Hibernia and Midgard Weapon Calculators (Albion soon to come)
- (2005-01-31)
Corrected bronze pricing (it has been wrong since they stopped selling in stacks of 20!)
- (2005-01-31) Fixed a couple of recipe bugs in Hibernian shields
- (2005-01-31) Added a "quantity" field to Weapon Calculators
- (2005-01-31) Added an "Include retries in material list" check box to Weapon Calculators
- (2004-11-08) Added "Motog's Trinketing Guide" Article"
- (2004-11-08) Added "Motog's Tailoring Guide" Article"
- (2004-11-07) Improved tailoring inserts text to include material tier
- (2004-11-07) Added an "Include retries in material list" check box
- (2004-11-07) Added a "quantity" field to Armor/Tailoring calculators
- (2004-11-03) Filled in missing info on Hibernia Fletching
- (2004-10-20) Updated Door Repair Calculator to reflect New Frontiers changes
- (2004-08-01) Added Enchantment Costs to Weapon Calculators
- (2004-07-30) Added Enchantment Costs to Armor Calculators
- (2004-07-15) Added Siege Calculator
- (2004-06-27) Added Salvage Calculator
- (2004-05-29) Added Legendary Weapons to Albion Weapon Calculator
- (2004-05-07) Expanded info on Albion and Hibernia Armor calc to show more pricing info
- (2004-03-07) Completed a couple of hib sellback values, added lots of Albion weapon pics
- (2004-02-16) Expanded info on Midgard Armor calc to show more pricing info
- (2004-02-15) Hibernia Mooncrested, Fort., and Exc. Scythe resell value fixed
- (2004-02-15) Midgard Fort. Battle Axe and Exc. Battle Axe resell value fixed
- (2004-02-08) Midgard spear damage types fixed
- (2004-02-08) Hibernian Spiked Club recipe fixed
- (2004-01-20) Several small errors corrected (and one sell-back value corrected)
- (2003-12-14) Albion plate boots recipe has been corrected, and cloth type and amount required now displays for all plate.
- (2003-12-13) Hibernia cloth robes are now selectable (yay!), and levels on cloth armor is now correct (all 3 realms).
- (2003-12-13) Fixed Midgard cloth recipes (cloth, thread and leather amounts were all mixed up)
- (2003-12-13) Fixed bug with all "round to nearest gold" functions when no order exists
- (2003-12-12) New design with new features! :) New features include:
- Armor calculators have entry fields for retries for each armor piece
- Order List stores multiple weapons/armor for easy Pricing and better customer service
- Awkward radio buttons replaced with streamlined selection box for choosing material type and tier
- More information on armor; resistances, crafting skill
- (2003-11-11) Added thumbnail images, weapon skill, damage type, and Hand info to Hibernia Weapon/Fletching calculator
- (2003-11-11) Added sell-back value and retry entry to Hibernia Weapon/Fletching calculator
- (2003-10-23) Fixed speeds of albion thrust weapons, level of sabre, and thumbnail of rein. tower shield
- (2003-10-15) Added thumbnail images, weapon skill, damage type, and Hand info to Albion Weapon/Fletching calculator
- (2003-10-15) Added Auto-calculate and "round to nearest gold" switch to Albion and Hibernia calculators
- (2003-10-07) Added thumbnail images and "round to nearest gold" switch to Midgard Weapon calculator
- (2003-10-06) Added Auto-calculate and "round to nearest gold" switch to Midgard Armor calculator
- (2003-10-06) Added weapon skill, damage type, and Hand info to Midgard Weapon/Fletching calculator
- (2003-10-06) Added Auto-calculate to Midgard Weapon/Fletching calculator
- (2003-10-06) Midgard Great Spear DPS corrected to 16.2 at tier 10
- (2003-09-08) Midgard Weapon/Fletching calculator has a new more organized selection box!
- (2003-09-07) Midgard Svarkedja Helm recipe corrected (now 17 metal)
- (2003-09-07) Albion Heavy Short Bow sell-back value corrected
- (2003-08-13) Hibernia Exceptional Rapier and Weighted Longsword speeds changed to 3.9, 4.2
- (2003-08-12) (Patch 1.64) Midgard Fletched weapon recipes and sellback values added
- (2003-08-12) Midgard Thick Padded Sleeves recipe fixed
- (2003-08-12) Hibernian Angled Dagger recipe fixed
- (2003-08-12) (Patch 1.64) Albion fletching recipes added
- (2003-07-29) (Patch 1.64) Albion weapon recipes and sellback values added
- (2003-07-28) (Patch 1.64) Hibernian weapon recipes added
- (2003-07-10) (Patch 1.63) Albion Fluted Plate and Full Plate recipes updated
- (2003-06-30) (Patch 1.63) Albion Plate and Scaled Plate recipes updated
- (2003-06-30) (Patch 1.63) Removed strap listing from Albion armor calc
- (2003-05-29) Albion Heavy Shod Quarterstaff sellback value was updated (did not have)
- (2003-05-29) Seamist heavy/thick/double-stitched cloth AF was corrected from AF37 to AF36
- (2003-05-16) Albion Great Scimitar recipe corrected (was 1 leather, is now 2)
- (2003-05-15) Albion regal quilted robe sellback and salvage values corrected
- (2003-05-15) Albion Hammer, Kite shield, and Tower shield recipes corrected
- (2003-05-15) Albion double-stitched cloth and Hibernia Thick Woven cloth tier 10 Armor Factors corrected (to AF51)
Mythic enjoys changing recipes on a regular basis. These changes are usually not included in any patch notes. If you discover an error, please feel free to notify me. I will verify the error, and make the necessary corrections. |